2025 Public Programs
Our public offerings include specialised industry events, structured growth programs with blended delivery and weekly virtual sessions. These are a fantastic opportunity to connect, share experiences, and problem solve with like minded individuals from a range of industries supported by your trusted time2talk team and facilitators.
Virtual Learning Bites
All of our virtual session are delivered via Video Conference Zoom
These virtual workshops are 90-minute targeted sessions that give participants a chance to
elevate their thinking and address current topics derived from core programs.
Delivered via Video Conference | $98.00 +GST pp
Breakfast Bite - Taking Control of my Time
About this program
Today’s workplace has changed in many ways, more than ever how we spend our time is critical. This workshop is focused on looking at your time…
Leading Wellness
About this program
The current workplace is challenging and the expectations of Leaders to manage people’s health, wellbeing…
Managing Mental Health and Anxiety
About this program
This workshop will be an interactive experience that provides participants with the skills and knowledge to better manage their mental health and anxiety. It covers…
Creating Psychological Safety
About this program
Today’s workplace is complex and challenging. Creating psychological safety can assist with performance and…
The Art of Storytelling
About this program
Storytelling is a highly effective tool for leaders, mentors and coaches. It enables leaders to humanise the narrative and facilitates self-disclosure…
Embracing Change
About this program
Change can be challenging for all. It brings uncertainty, discomfort and sometimes fear. On the flip side it can bring…
Persuasive Business Writing
About this session
As a leader or manager, you may be expected to develop and present data and information for consideration by your key stakeholders and senior leaders. In today’s busy workplace, it …
Breakfast Bite - Communication Skills for Creating Better Workplace Relationships
About this program
Effective communication forms the basis of successful relationships but this involves more than speaking or listening well. To communicate effectively…
Building your Feedback Fitness
About this program
High performing teams are comfortable giving and receiving feedback for improvement. The ability to recognise when people are performing well, and
Decision Making and Problem Solving
About this program
The ability to make logical and rational decisions is a critical skill for leaders and team members alike. Individuals need to make informed decisions and…
Positive Workplace Behaviour
About this program
Positive workplace behaviour is critical for an effective workplace culture. Workplace bullying, harassment, and discrimination are issues that…
Breakfast Bite - Creating Psychological Safety at Work
About this program
Today’s workplace is complex and challenging. Creating psychological safety can assist with performance and…
Public Workshops - Moama
Regional Venues Rich River Gold Club
Leading and Thriving with EI
Leading Change
About this program
Leading and managing change is an ongoing challenge as it can be ever changing and leaders are required to embrace the change themselves, as well as guide their teams effectively through it. This workshop will assist leaders to examine the …
Managing Challenging Conversations
About this program
Maintaining your composure and effectively working through problems and challenges with others is a vital skill. In our current environment many are experiencing stress, hardship and…
Presenting with Impact
About this program
In today’s busy workplace, communicating your message is a constant challenge. Presenting to a group with confidence and impact to gain a result is an essential skill. In this workshop, you will learn how to engage your audience and
Public Workshops - Albury-Wodonga
Regional Venues Mantra Hotel Albury
Leading Change
About this program
Leading and managing change is an ongoing challenge as it can be ever changing and leaders are required to embrace the change themselves, as well as guide their teams effectively through it. This workshop will assist leaders to examine the …
Emerging Leaders
About this Program
Stepping into a role where you are responsible for managing and influencing others to get the job done can be a challenge when you have just been responsible for your own performance. Your knowledge of…
Presenting with Impact
About this program
In today’s busy workplace, communicating your message is a constant challenge. Presenting to a group with confidence and impact to gain a result is an essential skill. In this workshop, you will learn how to engage your audience and
Virtual Series
Format: 4 x 1.5hr Virtual Meetings (Zoom) each week for 4 weeks
Emerging Leaders
About this program
All too often we transition team members into leadership roles assuming that because they have performed well in their operational roles, they will be equally prepared to navigate their way successfully into a …
Dates: April 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th