At the moment everyone is exhausted. In a marathon lock down, juggling home schooling, working from home and to many new ways of working.
Our conscious minds have geared up and are sucking the life out of us.

How can we get what is most precious at the moment – that extra bit of energy, the increased ability to get up again after so many knockdowns?
See this article on leading when you and your team are exhausted:

Here’s some tips!
- Examine your sources of Energy; Physical, Mental Spiritual, Emotional. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 ( low) -10 (high) and work actively to build your energy in each area.
- Spend time in the recovery zone. If we are always in Urgent we will burnout. Downtime is productive time (Loer and Shwartz, The Power of Full Engagement.
- Rest reflect and reset- Look at Dr Adam Fraser’s work on the 3rd space.
- Block off time for you- self care is critical.
- A well developed network of relationships can help us bounce back from setbacks. (HBR, 2020) Look at your relational sources of resilience Identify one area of connection that can help you be more resilient.
- Ask for help. Many people are struggling at the moment. Be vulnerable, start the discussion and you may help someone else by modelling the right behaviour.
- DO something that gives you energy. Favourite feelgood song, humour, have a dance, have a zoom with colleagues that is not task/work related.