Sarah Scotti


About Sarah

Sarah has worked as an Operational Multisite manager, a Manager of People and Culture and as a Leadership and Development facilitator and as a coach over her work life. With this comes real stories and experiences that Sarah utilises to support your Team in their journey of learning and developing.

Sarah’s post-graduate studies in Adult Learning, Leadership and Management ensures that she draws on a range of methodologies and techniques to connect with all members of your teams ranging from C-suite to Operational teams.

Sarah worked for 15 years in the Retail Management space and gained vast experience in understanding the firsthand challenges we face in creating an engaged and productive team. Since moving into the L&D space Sarah has worked with a wide-ranging number of organisations to develop and coach there teams to understand the importance of better and more positive workplace relationships to creating an engaged and productive Team Culture within your organisation.

Sarah has a Coaching style of facilitating, drawing out the best in people and supporting them through their learning and development.

Sarah’s purpose is to support others to become the best version of themselves through asking questions, learning, and developing.

“Leadership and Learning are indispensable of each other” John F. Kennedy
Sarah Scotti
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