Bruce Hunt-Hughes

Regional Facilitator

About Bruce

Bruce Hunt-Hughes is an actor, facilitator and coach who specialises in helping people to present confidently, constructively, clearly and concisely. Bruce has 30 years’ experience in helping people manage conversations that might otherwise be challenging, and how to develop and deliver presentations that are engaging, energising and effective. Bruce’s extensive experience as a performer, along with his experience as a trainer and facilitator has equipped him with a keen sense of how to read a room, and how to shift energy in a way that keeps people attentive and enthralled. As a coach Bruce has worked with accountants, bankers, lawyers, athletes, doctors, nurses, and Koorie Engagement Support Officers (KESOs).

In the public sector in 2022, Bruce has assisted with the development of interpersonal skills at the Departments of Justice and Community Safety, Transport, Education and Training, and Victoria Police. He has coached many senior managers towards partnership at PWC. He has upskilled leaders at Catapult Sports, Infrabuild, and the Cross Yarra Partnership (CYP) and led a workshop for the Women of Colour Network to develop skills in managing difficult conversations. He is currently assisting partners at the law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler to prepare for the next round of career development review conversations.  Bruce has also delivered customer-service training programs for the staff of City Councils including Knox, Melbourne, Moreland, Port Philip, Swan Hill and Whitehorse.

Bruce’s expertise lies in his own enjoyment of learning. He is known for his ability to make participants feel safe and lift their level of expertise. He creates the right conditions to allow participants to listen, discuss, experiment and discover.


  • Bachelor of Arts,
  • Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training
  • PADI Logistics Accreditation
  • DiSC Accredited Practitioner
  • Executive Coach
  • HBDI
Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. - Stephen Covey
Bruce Hunt-Hughes
Regional Facilitator
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