Human Synergistics for Organisations (OCI)

Human Synergistics for
Your Organisation

The Organisational Culture Inventory™ (OCI) & Organisational Effectiveness Inventory (OEI) provides data on organisational culture, what’s causing it, and the outcomes from it

Organisational culture directly impacts on the performance of the organisation. It influences how the organisation goes about executing its existing strategy and how effectively it adapts to changes in its operating environment. Improving organisational culture establishes a foundation for future performance.

The Organisational Culture Inventory® (OCI) measures an organisation’s ideal culture and the actual operating culture. It specifically examines culture from the perspective of behavioural norms – how people believe they are expected to behave in order to fit in and thrive (or sometimes survive).

The Organisational Effectiveness Inventory™ (OEI) measures the practices used throughout the organisation that cause the current climate and how that shapes the current culture. It also measures a number of research-based outcomes of the culture at the individual, group and organisational level.

The OCI and OEI work together to give you a complete picture of your organisation’s culture (the behaviours) and factors driving it — and, in turn, the behaviours the culture reinforces. The OCI/OEI measures both culture and climate to provide invaluable data on how they’re connected, giving you the insights you need to create a more Constructive culture and improve effectiveness.

Read more about Human Synergistics


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