Human Synergistics for Teams (GSI)

Human Synergistics for
Your Teams

The Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI)
provides data on team behaviour and performance

When teams perform at the best of their abilities, it’s magic!

But teams can get stuck in a cycle of ineffective behaviours: working against rather than with each other, busting instead of building ideas, discussions that go around in circles, nodding in agreement with a decision but not following through with action.

The Group Styles Inventory™ (GSI) is the only research-based tool that provides a valid and reliable measure of how people in groups interact with each other and work as a team to solve problems.

The GSI provides group members with the insights to talk about their behaviour and how it affects the group’s performance. Through highlighting factors that are helping or hindering their teamwork, it empowers them to change the way they operate as a team and therefore behave. This leads to better cooperation, communication and consensus, more innovative thinking and better-quality decisions.

Read more about Human Synergistics


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